“The Netflix observability team's future plans with DJL include trying out its training
API, scaling usage of transfer learning inference, and exploring its bindings for
PyTorch and MXNet to harness the power and availability of transfer learning.”
Stanislav Kirdey, Engineer at Netflix
observability team
“Using DJL allowed us to run large batch inference on Spark for Pytorch models. DJL
helped reduce inference time from over six hours to under two hours.”
-- Xiaoyan Zhang, Data Scientist at TalkingData
“DJL enables us to run models built with different ML frameworks side by side in the
same JVM without infrastructure changes. ”
-- Hermann Burgmeier, Engineer at Amazon
Advertising team
“Our science team prefers using Python. Our engineering team prefers using Java/Scala.
With DJL, data science team can build models in different Python APIs such as
Tensorflow, Pytorch, and MXNet, and engineering team can run inference on these models
using DJL. We found that our batch inference time was reduced by 85% from using DJL.”
-- Vaibhav Goel, Engineer at Amazon Behavior
Analytics team